I'm really sorry for the lack of updates! My week is kind of packed at the moment, so I won't be blogging anytime this week. Maybe, next year?
So this is how my week was spent and will be spend:
19th, Sunday - Aunt house for dinner and spent the night outside with friends till daybreak.
20th, Monday - Marina Bay Sands, swimming at SkyPark, dinner at bt.
21st, Tuesday - Band practice, Jp to shop for Christmas exchange gift.
22nd, Wednesday - Job briefing, Jp for lunch, exchanging gifts in the night with friends!
23rd, Thursday - Workkkkk :(
24th to 28th, Friday to Tuesday - Penang.
Tell me, where and how do I find time!! :(
Also, I've got tons of photos in my camera that are not uploaded yet! Sighz.